Money In 24

No-Risk CaseAdvance© For The Injured

CaseAdvance© For Personal Injury Clients

No-Risk CaseAdvance© For The Injured
CaseAdvance© | Fast Cash For Your Case.
Pre-Settlement Funding At Its Best
Don’t settle for less than your case is worth just because you need cash now!
Life Doesn’t Stand Still When You’ve Been Injured
A car accident, a serious fall, a dog bite or a burn injury can make you feel like things could not get any worse, until the next day when you realize life must go on and financial pressures begin to mount. Even with a highly-skilled personal injury attorney at your side your case will not be resolved overnight. A detailed investigation, negotiations with insurers and health care providers, and even a trial can take months, or in some cases, years. Meanwhile, your injuries will require medical treatment and you might have no choice but to take time off of work, which can cause immense financial hardship.
Need Cash After An Accident? CaseAdvance© Can Bridge The Gap!
As your case progresses, your financial needs may multiply. Meanwhile, you may not be able to return to work for quite a while. Medical bills, loss of income, and living expenses add up before you know it. In some cases, financial burdens can become as stressful as any medical concerns. The founders of CaseAdvance© are licensed attorneys. Our founding lawyer has handled thousands of personal injury cases just like yours! So we understand the financial pressures you face. That’s why we started CaseAdvance© — to help people just like you.

What Customers Are Saying About Case Advance

To Determine Your Eligibility, We Examine Your Case — We Don’t Examine You.
As experienced attorneys, we know a viable case when we see one. From our offices in California, we assist people nationwide. We apply several decades of knowledge as we evaluate each claim. And because our lawsuit cash advance is not a loan, no credit check, employment verification or loan application is required to obtain a CaseAdvance© funding.
Best of all, we assume all the risk! If we approve you we will advance some of your pre-settlement funding right away. And if you lose your case you will owe us nothing! For more information about CaseAdvance©, call 866-972-5650 toll free or send us an email inquiry through our website.