Does Your Legal Client Need A CaseAdvance© After An Accidental Injury?
It is our purpose at CaseAdvance© to support the efforts of attorneys who pursue financial relief for clients injured in car accidents and other incidents caused by the negligence of others. As experienced personal injury lawyers ourselves, we understand how to collaborate productively with you and your colleagues, which is in the best interests of your clients.
Let’s Discuss How We Can Alleviate Your Clients’ Cash-Flow Problems During An Injury Case
We welcome attorney referrals from other lawyers looking for ways to alleviate financial pressure for clients while their cases are pending. In addition to each individual attorney’s assessment, we conduct an independent evaluation of each case on its own merit. Once we are confident we can project the ultimate outcome of a case with reasonable certainty, we know whether to offer a CaseAdvance© to a client seeking financial help while his or her case is pending. We accept all of the risk once we issue a non-recourse cash advance so there is no risk for the client. If a case fails, the client owes us nothing.
The Size Of A Law Firm’s Monetary Resources Does Not Have To Limit Its Ability To Help Clients
CaseAdvance© offers a big advantage for small and midsized law firms by giving them flexibility when clients are experiencing financial hardship. No attorney wants to shortchange a client’s chances at recovering the maximum potential compensation. However, when a client is running out of money and all other avenues have been explored, there can be undue pressure to rush a case to its conclusion. A pre-settlement cash advance can relieve this pressure and protects the law firm from feeling compelled to lend money to its own clients, which can create both ethical and practical problems.
While You Work On A Lawsuit: Cash For Your Client
As you investigate an accident and prepare a compelling case on your client’s behalf, we can handle your client’s need for a cash advance. From our California offices, we assist attorneys and their clients nationwide. Call 866-972-5650 toll free or complete our online intake form.