We Provide No-Risk CaseAdvance© For The Injured
- Will I ever recover?
- How will I pay my medical bills?
- How long will I miss work?
- Will I ever recoup my lost wages?
- How will I afford personal care at home if needed?
At CaseAdvance©, we are very familiar with these types of concerns. We are experienced lawyers. The attorney who founded CaseAdvance© has represented thousands of people who had been injured in accidents in California. Over the years, we came to understand the financial pressures that clients face while waiting for their cases to settle. So we started CaseAdvance© to help injury victims cope with the financial gaps created by an accident.
‘What If I Accept A CaseAdvance© But Lose My Case?’
A CaseAdvance© is not a loan. Rather, it is a source of pre-settlement funding in anticipation of the compensation you might receive. With our legal knowledge and experience, we confidently offer injured people non-recourse cash advances on cases that many other companies simply will not fund. If you do not receive the compensation we expect you to receive, you will owe us nothing! On the other hand, if your case is successful, part of your case proceeds will go toward repayment of the lawsuit settlement cash that we advanced to you.
It really is that simple.
Find out more about our no-risk CaseAdvance©s by calling 866-972-5650 toll free or completing our online intake form. We pledge to respond quickly.