You May Need Cash Now, During Your Personal Injury Lawsuit. That’s What CaseAdvance© Is All About.
A serious personal injury typically triggers a complex array of medical, legal, financial and logistical problems:
- The injured person often needs prompt, top-notch emergency medical care as well as follow-up treatment, therapy and rehabilitation.
- An injured person may soon face large medical bills and in many cases lost wages due to their partial, total, and sometimes permanent disability. Meanwhile, ordinary life expenses continue as usual. Mortgage payments, utility bills and other day-to-day expenses do not go on “hold.”
- Even if friends and family members offer moral support and practical assistance, financial needs soon become overwhelming.
Before long, monetary needs become one of the most urgent matters an injured person and their family have to deal with.
If you or your loved one is in this situation, you may be holding out hope that your injury claim or lawsuit will eventually provide the resources you need to recover financially as well as physically. This may well be the case, but it usually takes a long time for the legal processes to reach a favorable conclusion. Please don’t think you have to accept a substandard settlement offer just because you need money now. There is another way.
At CaseAdvance©, we are experienced trial lawyers helping injured people and their families bridge the gap through non-recourse settlement funding.
Get Cash Now While You Wait For Your Personal Injury Case To Conclude
Email us or call 866-972-5650 toll free to request a prompt evaluation of your injury claim. We are California attorneys who assist injured people from throughout the U.S. We may be able to deliver funds to you very quickly if your case qualifies.